Kunel Gaur on Blind Boxes

by Admin Blind Boxes


Polygon Mainnet matic


10% Royalty

Kunel Gaur is a visionary designer who nurtures a unique visual aesthetic, influenced by functional design and the Brutalist design movement. His creative process uses architectural substances such as wood, concrete, resin, and metal, as he explores reconstruction as a tool for uncovering novel interpretations. His work often incorporates written expressions, seamlessly blending elements of prose and poetry.

Ready to expand his creative horizons, Kunel has launched this collection on Blind Boxes.

IMPORTANT: Each Polygon-based NFT from this collection is an airdrop pass which grants its possessor:

  • One free airdrop of an Ethereum-based NFT created by the artist
  • One MP4 or JPEG
  • One randomly allocated $BLES bonus airdrop

To claim the final items, the Polygon NFT must undergo a burning process.

For questions, ask an admin within the Blind Boxes Telegram channel.

This collection has been launched through a partnership between Blind Boxes and TheUpsideSpace.

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Blind Boxes is a gamified marketplace and launchpad for Web 3 projects, offering a platform for artists, brands, influencers, and collectors to launch hyped NFT collections. Our multi-chain ecosystem has been connecting investors with disruptive NFT projects across Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain since 2021. Our ecosystem token, $BLES, is traded publicly across multiple blockchains.

Since 2021, we have enabled savvy investors to participate in initial NFT offerings (INOs), initial game offerings (IGOs), and gamified NFT drops from leading Web 3 brands, influencers, and celebrities.

Our decentralized marketplace, combined with $BLES, our publicly traded ecosystem token, provides a Degen-friendly experience for anyone looking to invest in the future of Web 3.

Join us on this journey of creativity, decentralization, and endless possibilities.