ill Face Mask NFTs

ill Face Masks

by ill Face Masks


Polygon Mainnet matic


8% Royalty

Mint w Credit Card, ETH or SOL Here

ill Face Mask NFTs! -- (3 NFTs per 1 mint)


4,444 Collectable (all 1 of 1)

Each NFT comes with a rarity emblem on the bottom-left corner to show its level of rarity compared to others in the collection and where it stands in the 6 ranks.

Mint an Mask = +2 free Matching Mutant NFTs.

( Each Face Mask #1-4444 has a matching Matchstick NFT, and a matching lil Enemy Fire NFT that will be airdropped to you the wallet address minted. )

~FIRE SALE~ Price To Mint: 14 MATIC

(Mint with CC available) 😱

Mint lil Enemy Fire NFTs here 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Mint ill Matchstick NFTs here 🧨️🧨️

__ill Face Mask NFTs Official Opensea__⛵

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NFTs minted